Finnebrogue unveils ‘Better Naked’ brand refresh & launch of first TV commercial

Better Naked brand refresh

UK’s biggest bacon brand to undergo refresh for fourth birthday as Finnebrogue gears up for plant-based push in 2022.   New TV commercial – ‘Hungry for a better world’ – to hit the small screen in January.   Finnebrogue sets Guinness World RecordTM title for largest vegan burger – with Evolution Burger weighing in at […]

Asda contract grows from Finnebrogue’s new vegan ‘plant’

Finnebrogue Artisan has secured a contract to supply eight new plant-based lines to up to 434 of the retailer’s stores across the UK. The products, which will join Asda’s 73 strong plant-based range include Meat-Free Chicken Style Nuggets, Southern Fried Goujons and Kievs, as well as a Chicken Style Shawarma, Chicken Style pieces, Beef Style Strips, […]

Finnebrogue’s Naked Bacon wins Northern Ireland Food and Drink award

Finnebrogue’s revolutionary Naked Bacon – the first mass produced rasher to be made without nitrites or any other nasties – won the Ulster Bank Best New Product from a Large Company on Friday night.   Over 400 guests turned out in style to celebrate the achievements of Northern Ireland’s leading food and drink companies at […]

Finnebrogue’s Naked Bacon wins Northern Ireland Food and Drink award

Finnebrogue’s revolutionary Naked Bacon – the first mass produced rasher to be made without nitrites or any other nasties – won the Ulster Bank Best New Product from a Large Company on Friday night.   Over 400 guests turned out in style to celebrate the achievements of Northern Ireland’s leading food and drink companies at […]

Revolutionising the BBC Good Food Show with Finnebrogue Naked

Just a few weeks ago, the Naked marketing team set off to the Birmingham NEC to exhibit at the BBC Good Food Winter Show. It’s the first time in over a decade that team Finnebrogue has been represented at the busy foodie show and we weren’t to be disappointed. Our Naked Revolution stand was positioned in […]

Finnebrogue’s Denis Lynn wins top UK award for outstanding innovation  

Denis Lynn, one of Northern Ireland’s most successful entrepreneurs, has been named the U K’s most innovative boss by the Institute of Directors. Mr Lynn, who is chairman of the Downpatrick based food manufacturer, Finnebrogue Artisan, started his firm from scratch in 1985 and has transformed it into the UK’s fastest growing of its kind. […]

Finnebrogue’s Denis Lynn wins Top Innovation Award for revolutionary nitrite-free Naked Bacon

Institute of Directors crown Finnebrogue’s Chairman as Northern Ireland’s most innovative business leader Finnebrogue’s Naked Bacon has revolutionised the processed meat industry and is the UK’s first ever mass-produced bacon made without cancer causing chemicals  Denis Lynn, Chairman of Downpatrick-based Finnebrogue Artisan, has been awarded Northern Ireland’s business Director of the Year for Innovation for […]