Finnebrogue invests £2.8 million to upgrade plant-based food factory

The County Down food producer Finnebrogue has announced a £2.8 million investment to upgrade its three-year-old plant-based food factory. The leading supplier of plant-based food to UK supermarkets – also renowned for its pork sausages, wagyu burgers and nitrite-free Naked Bacon – has installed 2,846 solar panels on the roof of its vegan food […]
Feeding pigs seaweed could help fight antibiotic resistance and climate change

We all want to eat healthier these days and consume foods that are leaner, greener and better for us and the Planet. And seaweed could be the answer. Finnebrogue is very excited to be part of SeaFEED – a collaboration of scientific, farming and industry experts in Ireland, who are exploring the effects of seaweed […]
Should we ‘celebrate’ or ‘demonstrate’ support for Earth Day?

On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day started out as a protest, demanding action for a common cause – save the Planet to save life. But some argue that it has become greenwashed with commercialism like any other hallmark holiday. Is that a bad thing – if it’s raising awareness for the cause? What do you […]
BBC Food Fest Northern Ireland

Did you see us featured on BBC Northern Ireland Food Fest programme? Seven million people in the UK have now cut meat completely out of their diet – that’s 14 per cent of the population who are vegetarian, pescatarian or vegan. click here Colin Murray and Edith Bowman visited Finnebrogue’s state-of-the-art plant-based factory in Downpatrick, County […]
Christmas will be ‘Extra Special’ at Asda thanks to Finnebrogue Artisan

Downpatrick based Finnebrogue Artisan, has won a national supply deal with Asda to produce three exclusive Extra Special Christmas lines, which will be available in over 500 stores across the UK this festive season. As one of the leading UK artisan food producers, Finnebrogue created three new Extra Special products for Christmas 2022. These […]
Finnebrogue announces Better Naked plant-based partnership with the Co-op

Finnebrogue Artisan has announced a plant-based partnership with the Co-op, with a range of products from its Better Naked range launching across 1200 stores this week. Finnebrogue has announced a plant-based partnership between its Better Naked brand and the Co-op – with products launching across 1200 stores this week Four new Better Naked […]
Better Naked renames its Chicken Kyiv and pledges 50% of product’s profits to Ukraine

The UK food producer Finnebrogue, which owns the Better Naked brand, has renamed its plant-based Chicken Kiev to Kyiv in solidarity with the Ukrainian people as they continue to defend against Putin’s invasion. Finnebrogue has also pledged 50% of its profits from sales of the Better Naked Kyiv in 2022 to the humanitarian relief effort […]
It’s an ‘Extra Special’ Christmas with Finnebrogue Artisan at Asda

Downpatrick based Finnebrogue Artisan has won a national supply deal with Asda to produce five exclusive Extra Special Christmas lines, which will be available in over 300 stores across the UK this festive season. Each of the five products have been created especially for Christmas 2021, and include Extra Special Vegan Crabless Croquettes to […]
Finnebrogue unveils ‘Better Naked’ brand refresh & launch of first TV commercial

UK’s biggest bacon brand to undergo refresh for fourth birthday as Finnebrogue gears up for plant-based push in 2022. New TV commercial – ‘Hungry for a better world’ – to hit the small screen in January. Finnebrogue sets Guinness World RecordTM title for largest vegan burger – with Evolution Burger weighing in at […]
Asda contract grows from Finnebrogue’s new vegan ‘plant’

Finnebrogue Artisan has secured a contract to supply eight new plant-based lines to up to 434 of the retailer’s stores across the UK. The products, which will join Asda’s 73 strong plant-based range include Meat-Free Chicken Style Nuggets, Southern Fried Goujons and Kievs, as well as a Chicken Style Shawarma, Chicken Style pieces, Beef Style Strips, […]