Finnebrogue invests £2.8 million to upgrade plant-based food factory

The County Down food producer Finnebrogue has announced a £2.8 million investment to upgrade its three-year-old plant-based food factory. The leading supplier of plant-based food to UK supermarkets – also renowned for its pork sausages, wagyu burgers and nitrite-free Naked Bacon – has installed 2,846 solar panels on the roof of its vegan food […]
Finnebrogue ‘future proofs’ commercial growth through sustainability and efficiencies

The sun was shining this morning in County Down, for a Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce event at Hinch Distillery. ‘Grow with Danske’ explored sustainability and operational excellence as key drivers for commercial growth. Declan Ferguson, Finnebrogue’s research, development & technical director was one of the keynote speakers: “Finnebrogue has traditionally been focused on controlling […]
Should we ‘celebrate’ or ‘demonstrate’ support for Earth Day?

On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day started out as a protest, demanding action for a common cause – save the Planet to save life. But some argue that it has become greenwashed with commercialism like any other hallmark holiday. Is that a bad thing – if it’s raising awareness for the cause? What do you […]