The Good Little Company Donates £70k to Help Combat Malaria in Malawi with the Mulanje Mission

In October the Good Little Company donated an additional £70k to the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi in an effort to combat malaria in the region. For those of you not familiar with the Good Little Company charity partners in Africa, the Mulanje Mission Hospital is one of three charity partners alongside Christian Aid and the Samburu Trust. In partnership with Mulanje Mission, the Good Little Company is able to provide one nutritious meal each day to the vulnerable orphans in Malawi. These meals are served at school, to ensure these young scholars can concentrate. “Full bellies, focussed minds!”

Unfortunately, in Malawi malaria is a major public health concern. Accounting for one third of all outpatient visits and more than a third of hospital visits among children under 5. Malaria is regularly found in more than 95% of the country with transmission peaking after the start of rainy season.

In 2012 the Mulanje Mission Hospital trialled Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in 4 villages with the highest level of Malaria transmission within the hospital’s catchment area. It was a success and each year they have been steadily increasing the number of villages set to receive IRS. This year the Good Little Company has donated an additional £70k to the Mulanje Mission Hospital to help them with their quest to reach all 72 villages in their catchment area and improve the chemicals used for IRS to strengthen resistance.